Page 17 - Strengthening California’s Emergency Child Care Bridge Program
P. 17

Strengthening California’s Emergency Child Care Bridge
Another way to expand access to the program is to expand the eligibility criteria Eligibility for the Bridge Program is broad at the state level, and each county can determine eligibility for the program In general, foster children birth through age 12, children with exceptional needs, and children with severe disabilities up to age 21 are eligible for the Bridge Program Caregivers eligible for voucher assistance include: approved resource families, families that have a child placed with them for an emergency or compelling reason and in the process of resource family approval, formerly licensed foster family homes or certified family homes, approved homes of relatives or non-related extended family members in the process of resource family approval, tribally approved homes, or parenting youth in the foster care system and non-minor dependent parents From interviews in Year 2, five of the 12 counties implemented changes to, or are in the process of expanding, their eligibility criteria Some are expanding the program to serve children older than birth to five years Others are creating exceptions to fund sibling sets who are at the same child care program or expanding eligibility to include license-exempt or family, friend, and neighbor child care providers
With the Bridge Program, when that child is returned to his or her family, the voucher dollars are cut of immediately. So this parent may not have had the burden of paying for childcare for the last six, nine, twelve, months. And now their child or children are back with them. And now they’re struggling... financial stress is a big reason that parents neglect or abuse their more flexibility with voucher dollars to help bio parents, maybe only in the first 90 days.
– Mid Implementing County
Recommendation: Increase Access Through Expanding the Reach and Flexibility of the Vouchers
Program administrators and staf proposed numerous funding-related recommendations to increase access to the Bridge Program Specifically, administrators and staf voiced support for increasing flexibility or earmarking additional funds to facilitate out-of-county placements and to provide care to children that are reunified with their biological parent Two-thirds of county administrators and staf had concerns that the current funds were insuficient to meet the needs of all of their families Moreover, more than 25% of caregivers felt that program eligibility should be extended to cover the duration in which a child is in foster care As expressed by numerous caregivers, the need for child care does not end after the 12-month eligibility and thus should continue beyond the current window
The length of time [of the program]; it would be nice if it would be ofered the duration of when you have the kids. Because, that’s a huge concern once the Bridge Program is over what we’re going to do to pay for childcare.
– San Bernardino Caregiver
 2022 | 17

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