Page 40 - Gateways for Early Educators
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   Gateways for Early Educators
coaching. Out of participants who responded to this question, 73.6% indicated they left the program because they completed their goals, 18.0% indicated work or school interfered, 6.6% provided another reason, and 1.8% indicated they did not find the coaching useful. Closer examination of the participants’ responses indicated that those who did not find the coaching useful also reported that the coaching sessions provided were too short and not enough.
     Table 13. Participants’ Challenges in Completing their Goals
   Number of Participants
 Nothing, everything was good / coaching was great / does not apply
Set difficult goal (e.g. lack of credits to complete permit, insufficient English to accomplish goal, needed more knowledge, etc.)
Financial barriers (e.g. financial barriers for classes, general finances, etc.) Other
51 54.3%
10 10.9%
5 5.4%
4 4.3%
   Time (e.g. lack of time, school or work interfered, etc.) 16
    Insufficient amount of coaching (e.g. program was ending, needed more time, 5 etc.)
    Difficulties accessing trainings (e.g. distance was too far, trainings needed were 6 not available, not enough time to complete the Passport in time, etc.)
    When queried about challenges faced in the Gateways Program, a few participants identified time as a barrier, specifically in scheduling coaching sessions when children were awake and active. However, participants identified this as an area in which the coaches worked with participants to quickly resolve the issue and identify solutions. Joint resolutions to the challenge included: scheduling meetings when an assistant was available to take the children outside, having he coach observe/model when the children were present, and discussing after hours / on weekend with the coach, utilizing e-mail, text, or telephone, meeting with the coach at their offices at least one evening a month, and meeting when the children were napping.
Research Question 6: Is the foundation for coaching established?
Percent agreement is reported for each of these items below. These items are based on the key elements for coaching in the research literature. Participants were asked to reflect on their time with their Coach when evaluating these items:
 Built a relationship with me
 Made observations
 Set goals
 Modeled/showed positive practices or behaviors
 Helped me find groups of other professionals like me
 Helped me meet my goals
 Overall satisfaction with Coach
Participants were asked to rate their level of agreement with each of the foundational
components of coaching on a 4-point scale from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.” The

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