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Of the 34 parents who provided a response, 64.7% did not have a comment or wrote that there was nothing they would change. Parents from Valerio who responded to the open-ended question and provided a suggestion (61.8%) wrote comments related to more class time and parent engagement. Six parents wrote that the program could improve if parents attended and were engaged in the meetings and trainings. Two parents wrote that the program should encourage more male involvement and motivate parents to volunteer and participate in the program. Findings in the 2014-2015 Head Start and Early Head Start Parent Training Survey Report support parents’ suggestions for more parent engagement. The report showed that a high percentage of parents from Valerio (68.9%) requested information or training on volunteer orientations.
Three parents wrote comments related to the class schedule. One parent wrote that the program should be more than four hours per day while another wrote to keep children the full four hours. Other suggestions included:
 Change the eating schedule to include a snack first and then the full meal before the end of the day
 Provide assistance on a daily basis
Figure 15 in the Appendix presents selected comments of parents from the Valerio Head Start
Of the 79 parents from Woodman who submitted a survey, 72.2% provided suggestions. Nearly 60% of parents who provided a response wrote that they had no suggestions or expressed satisfaction with their Head Start program. One parent wrote, “Everything is good in Head Start and it’s helped prepare the children a lot. The parent meetings were helpful.”
Ten parents wrote comments related to Woodman’s schedule. Most of these parents wrote that more hours or a full day would make the Head Start program better. One parent suggested that classes should be five hours while another wrote that there should be more classroom hours for four-year-olds.
Suggestions related to changing the curriculum were made by five parents. A couple of parents recommended more homework that can prepare them for kindergarten and recognizing children who do all their homework. One parent wrote that children should get more instruction on how to write their full name. A parent suggested more activities such as sports and dance, while another wrote that children should get more play time and socialize with all the children from the other classes.
Parent engagement was the theme of six parents’ comments. Parents suggested that the program always have an interpreter or translator available for parents and to welcome them. Another parent recommended that teachers introduce themselves to parents or family members who are participating in class activities. More parent involvement in activities with children was also suggested. One parent wrote, “Get the parent committee more involve in supporting the teachers in programs and events that are coming up.”
CCRC’s Head Start Parents Page | 50 December 2014

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