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                 3. Items that cannot be washed such as stuffed animals should be placed in a plastic bag and sealed for two weeks.
4. Vacuum the floor and furniture. Do not use fumigant sprays. (They can be toxic if inhaled.)
5. Child may return to care 24 hours after treatment has begun. MEASLES
Signs & Symptoms: A high fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, sore throat followed by a rash that spreads all over the body. Measles can cause serious health complications, especially in children younger than 5 years of age.
Spread: Themeaslesviruscanspreadtoothersthroughcoughingandsneezingand can live up to 2 hours on a surface or in the air where the person coughed or sneezed.
Return to Facility: Child may return to care 4 days after onset of rash. A child with measles should not attend any activities from 4 days before or after rash appearance. Exclude unvaccinated children and staff, who are not vaccinated within 72 hours of exposure, for at least 2 weeks.
Signs & Symptoms: Pertussis starts with mild cold symptoms and develops into severe coughing. The cough continues for a long time, followed by a rapid intake of breath that has a distinctive“whooping”sound.
Spread: Pertussis is a vaccine preventable disease. Children under 1 year of age are not fully vaccinated and are at high risk for contracting pertussis. It is very important for those who work with or have contact with infants are current on their immunizations.
Return to Facility: Child may return to care 5 days after antibiotic treatment has begun. SCABIES
Signs&Symptoms: Childgetsaveryitchy,redrashthatappearsbetweenthefingers, wrists, elbows, underarms, abdominal area and outer borders of feet. In infants the rash may look like small blisters on the scalp, neck, palms and bottom of feet.
Spread: Scabies are caused by tiny mites under the skin and can spread by close personal contact including the sharing of towels, bedding and other personal items.
Return to Facility: Child may return to care 24 hours after treatment starts.
File an incident report with Community Care Licensing if there is a contagious disease
outbreak at your facility.
Refer to your local health department at to determine vaccination schedules for children and adults.
     CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (continued)

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