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Workshops & Events

Módulo 1 – Trauma: Cuando Suceden Cosas Terribles


¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! En el Módulo 1 - Trauma: Cuando Suceden Cosas Terribles, cubriremos: - La definición de trauma - Las características de un “Lente Informado...

Exploring the Competencies Special Needs and Inclusion


During this training, participants will dive into the ECE Competency Area Special Needs and Inclusion. In this training, participants will: - Discover their role in creating inclusive learning environments that support the needs of all children and their families - Understand how inclusive practices and accessible environments contribute to all children's learning - Be able...

Workshops & Events

Module 3 – I Am The Parent My Child Needs


Parents, you can get paid up to $120 to learn about trauma informed care and ways to develop personal and family resilience in our six part series! In Module 3 - I Am the Parent My Child Needs, well will cover: - How trauma impacts overall development by understanding the impact of stress on a...

Event Series Story Time [Virtual]

Story Time [Virtual]


Our child development specialists are excited to bring you and your child an exciting read-aloud virtual story time! During our interactive sessions we will read a book, sing songs, move our bodies, and connect with other children and caregivers. Each day we will read a different story that will engage children as they explore the...

Módulo 3 – Soy El Padre Que Mi Hijo Necesita


¡Padres, pueden recibir un pago de hasta $120 para aprender sobre el cuidado informado sobre el trauma y las formas de desarrollar la resiliencia personal y familiar en nuestra serie de seis partes! El el Módulo 3 - Soy El Padre Que Mi Hijo Necesita, cubriremos: - Cómo el trauma afecta el desarrollo general al comprender el...