Page 10 - Demo
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Upcoming trainings at CCRC.
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Eign up @ www.ocrcca.orgItramIngs-events
Flietreinings listed below are ideal far all levels olchlldicare prolessiunals, teachers and rlirerwrs.
' Iullyiug Pmeuinn in Early Childhood‘
“(if/u . :Presr.-med by the Bullying Advncacy Program in lire Sa'n
‘  ‘E.’ _ Fernando lhlley
‘ , '1 - , all :1.” ‘fin: -Providean in-deplnswdy¢ifl.hedefiIiitiq1Iof
,‘ I ‘ L. C 3 1 3,‘  -‘ ‘_ bullying and its different Mm
. _—4’\)’ 2:--— ‘ \  V V .  ‘«\‘ '   ' 313.3‘! fl.0W(I1h_e,power imhalanpg lnund in bullying
l’ ‘ r if C x ; and llaminrersnaionamy plays Mole
V , ,4 ‘ V _ , penences to
‘ " ‘ 55* ‘I “ - Reviewasesnldlas-and shared ex '
' i   llelhaflandbeihefirmelbetler equipped to prevent
if  éa'r'liten9ne*iu‘Bnllylng‘{|Iehaviur
. .' ,_ - be usedinmezcs

CA Child can  SIM; sgflinym mum, bnnflmpalhy and 42,910”

Are you seeking your cltildure lleense’! Are yeu 

moving yaw ¢hildcam{aa‘l'_ny?' ,_ ‘ r — *
lfso.youmayheinure§u‘dinarpfiesfiéycauzsew ‘”'  ,, *7“
supponthehealblrand safety nfr:lflli:lrérf«in your child  #253-;i_—,— «  “_
are program 1,‘———_— —/’ “V := 2; ‘ . -  ‘
in mi: imeracrauazss,lopre‘sinauracc A.,.:;~». ’ 1.,“ _ ‘ 4.

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- prevenzionaarinrecuausursme ,, K  —*‘~ ,_;.»‘  l v is ‘In .
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‘ Prevenliomnf lniuries la‘ »: l,_. , I 1‘) 3
- Nutrition ‘ :8 f ' /" ,~ 4; "‘
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uuocaungrnranuuenuiuuuevulopmnug 3" ., ,9‘ J

Clulcems r~__.4

At this intermediate level training yau will gain y Em ggggngumg any‘ ya...‘ 0.)“
better understanding cl special edutallon sexviresttp — Hm I . .

support parents when they edvocau fortlleir dlllll.  : u":;fi°ag?" 95°‘ " ‘S

- Learn how thrlaven qualify for special edumlan gage‘-Vafion§_
and disruss the differences between 3 SM Plan _ Expemmz me Various ways m efmumy I
‘md 3" W , document your observalions oi children 0~S years
' Gamympml. suawgies [0 ham pfepam  for - Learn hm In usethis inforrnatinn for activity
3" ‘W "‘,""':“g 37‘ “W “f"'y“"'“‘,  3!‘; planning and learning areas and ham to use unis
pirenls I I ey disagree with the 5: an Istrr - abiecuw view” change um pammchud ‘
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