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We are still far behind in sewing eligible California families. At this A
time, reports indicate less than 20% of eligible children will have

access to care by the end of this year.

The califomia state Budget and Where we stand

Governor Brown and state lawmakers have approved the 1018-2019 California mm budget. Though Cliltcputt

in thousands of hours of committed work towards the llliillionsbaabies campaign, our ask was not met. ‘ ~ '
However, the early childhood education (ECE) community did not get overlooked. We are happy to report that

the money allocated to the ECE community is the 2nd largest area of new investment in the overall budget,

which is a notable feat

The 2018-19 state budget will affect the EC! oommunity in the following ways: I

- Funding will increase for CalWORKs Stagesz and 3 to reflect the increased caseload and rate increases.
- A new Home Visiting program for t‘alw0RKs families will befunded and implemented.
is - The Foster Care Child Care Bridge program will be fully funded.
- State and Federal funding will he used to expand the Alternative Payment (AP) program to create 13/507
new AP slots over the next four years. 1
- A one—time investment will be made in the Child Care Initiative Project for family child care recruitment .
- The infantltoddler and special needs rates for Standard Reimbursement Rate (SRR) contracted programs '
will increase.
- The Regional Market Rate will increase to the 75“ percentile which will reflect the 2016 Survey
which was implemented in lanuary of 2018.

What’s next? *
Even with these investments, we are still far behind in sewing eligible California families At this time, reports
indicate less than 20% of eligible children will have access to care by the end of this year. That fact fuels our ‘ *
drive as we continue to fight for more monetary support from our legislators on behalf of parents and [

we appreciate the hard work of advocates throughout California for securing these investments and thank

the California Legislative women's Caucus for their tireless support of California’: child care system.

2018 is an election year which will bringa new Governor and many new state legislators. we will continue to

work with advocates, pmviders and families to educate the new legislature and administration about the

critical child care needs in California. Follow us on social media and visit our website for the latest updates

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Thank you.
President and CEO. Michael Olenick
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