Page 4 - Demo
P. 4


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3 ' »' ,_ _ gag axpenseslmceims required)
" "  ' -» ~Fregmarlcetingfisryourfamilychildcarehorneor
" :7-' " childcare centerhnsiness
' ‘3 » :  - Metmrkingogponunitieswith ntherearly careand
_ _ edumion professionals

Lapsiouleracy IS the place to be and be seen! Over

1,000 families will come lugetherto celebrate early

education‘ and learn through play. W9 will have over 50

booths offering educational aqlvitie_s and community


.  . SATURDAY I 10.13.18

;:. _._ Jetflawks Stadium - 45116 Valley Central Way, Lancaster, CA 93536

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