Page 25 - Gateways for Early Educators
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   Gateways for Early Educators
As seen in Table 2 the median (or midpoint) years of experience for license-exempt providers was slightly higher than that of the national sample. The very large standard deviation (SD) shows how much variability this group has in their level of experience in the field. The median number of years of experience for family child care providers was comparable to that of the national level and is slightly more for center-based participants (this may be a reflection of the fact that there are some assistant teachers and center directors included in this group in the Gateways sample).
    Table 2. Years in the Field and in Current Position
   Current Position ECE Field
Provider Type
Family Child Care Provider All Gateways Participants
NOTE: NR = not reported
Mean (SD)
13.1 (8.3) 13.0 (8.9)
Gateways NSECE Median Median
13 13.7 13 NR
Mean (SD) Gateways Median
9.7 (7.0) 10.1 8.9 (7.1) 8.6
 10.4 (9.2) 7 5.0 3.4 (4.4)
 Center-based Participants
 15.5 (9.5) 15 10.0 8.4 (7.3)
 The years each group has been in their current position is presented in Table 2. It is notable that the level of turnover demonstrated by the number of years in the current position is very similar for family child care providers and center-based participants. While center-based participants have been in the field slightly longer than family child care providers, family child care providers have been in their current position slightly longer than center-based staff. In contrast, compared to the number of years in the field (10.4), license-exempt providers experience a higher turnover rate having been in their position 3.4 years on average. However, this finding may be a factor of how license-exempt providers define when they started in their current position. While a center-based participant or family child care provider may tie their location (center or home, respectively) to their start date, license-exempt providers may define start date in their current position by when they started taking care of a particular child or group of children.
Research Question 2: Is there access to training across the County and do the training sessions impact practice?
To assess whether there is access to training across the county the number of participants, number of trainings, and average hours of training per participant at each of the R&R agencies are presented. Coaches or other administrative staff collect sign-in sheets at each of the training sessions offered and then enter them into the ProDev+ database.
As seen in Table 3, a total of 3,832 participants were trained across LA County. This number is slightly lower than last year’s 4,299. However the number of trainings offered increased from 843 to 876. The intensity per person was similar to last year’s 6.85 hour per person. This year, participants received on average, 7.11 hours of training. When comparing training data from

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