Page 79 - Gateways for Early Educators
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   Gateways for Early Educators
allowing the Research Manager to provide insight on findings regarding the program (such as co-enrollment) throughout the course of the year. Furthermore, any necessary changes to Participant Profiles, intake information, etc. is ensured by the Research Manager based on her participation in these meetings. The Program Director is also an active participant in the monthly Advisory Committee meetings.
In addition to these outcomes, alignment to other First 5 LA funded programs has continued over the last year. By coordinating with Choose Health LA Child Care through the LA County Department of Public Health we have been successful in tracking the trainings that are a part of this program in the ProDev+ database (also funded by First 5 LA).
To continue to assist the LA County Office of Child Care’s RTT program in reporting information about the participants, the Gateways program has continued to provide information about Gateways participants’ enrollment in LACOCC RTT to LAUP, to assist with LAUP’s co-enrollment analysis. The Gateways program has also provided participant profile information (years in the field of ECE, educational attainment, etc.) specifically for LACOCC RTT participants who take part in Gateways coaching and have provided survey results regarding knowledge of career options and educational pathways of LACOCC RTT participants to LAUP.
Outcome 6: An ECE registry database is available and utilized by Consortium members to collect ECE workforce data.
Outcome Targets and Performance Measures:
 Outcome Target 6a: 100% of Consortium programs’ Core Members are
encouraged to be entered in Registry. Reasons for non-participation in the registry are tracked.
All Gateways coaching participants are informed about the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry and encouraged to participate. This has resulted in a high percentage of participants who have agreed to Gateways sharing their information with the Registry. As seen in Table 23, 752 out of 1,015 (74.1%) participants enrolled in Gateways during 2015-2016 agreed to share their information with the registry. Two hundred sixty-three (25.9%) did not want their information shared with the registry. The program began collecting information on the reasons why participants are reticent in sharing their information with the registry during the 2014-2015 PY. Reasons for not wanting to share their information with the Registry are similar to reasons participants provided during the prior program year.
The most frequently cited reason for not wanting information shared with the Registry is not specific. Thirty-one percent of participants indicated they did not want their information shared but declined to state a more specific reason. An additional 5.0% did not share their information because they do not have a full understanding of the Registry. Others indicated they do not trust electronic systems to be safe (4.9%), they want privacy regarding specific information (3.4%) or already gave their information to another program (2.3%).

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