P. 19

Medical Insurance
Over half of the parents who completed this survey had medical insurance. Of 861 parents who responded, 62.5% had medical insurance. There was a higher percentage of English-speaking than Spanish-speaking parents with medical insurance. Of 368 English-speaking parents, 299 (81.3%) responded that they had medical insurance, while of 493 Spanish-speaking parents, 239 (48.5%) reported that they possessed medical insurance.
An analysis by Head Start Center demonstrated that Tulsa contained the greatest percentage of parents (89.3%) with medical insurance. Other centers with a high percentage of parents with medical insurance included CDI (77.8%) and Miguel Montes (72.2%). Noble was the Head Start Center with the lowest percentage of parents (36.4%) covered by medical insurance followed by Robert Fulton with 48.0%.
Dental Services
There was a smaller percent of parents who
received dental services in the last 12 months
than those who did not. Of 860 parents who responded to this question, 380 (44.2%) reported that they had received dental services in the last year. More than half of parents who responded (480 or 55.8%) had not received dental services in the last 12 months.
When considering language, a higher percentage
of English-speaking parents received dental
services than Spanish-speaking parents. Nearly
half (183 or 49.3%) of all English-speaking
parents who answered this question received
dental services in the last year. Of 489 Spanish-
speaking parents who responded, 197 (40.3%) received dental services in the last 12 months.
Roscoe Canyon was the Head Start Center with the greatest percentage of parents (54.3%) who received dental services in the last 12 months. Sherwood (53.7%) was also a center with a high percentage of people who received dental services. Coincidently, in the 2014-2015 Head Start and Early Head Start Parent Training Survey Report, parents from Sherwood most frequently (65.1%) requested dental health information about children. The Head Start Center with the lowest percentage of parents who received dental services was Sepulveda with 32.8%. Chart 10 on the following page illustrates the percentage of parents at each Head Start Center who had medical insurance and those who had received dental services in the last 12 months. Table 10 in the Appendix provides more information on how the percentage of parents who are medically insured and have received dental services in the last year varies by Head Start Center.
CCRC’s Head Start Parents Page | 16 December 2014
 Similarities exist between the results from the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 End-of-the-Year Parent Survey and this year’s survey. In all three years, over half of parents who took the survey were medically insured and English-speaking parents were more insured than Spanish-speaking parents.
 Children at a CCRC Head Start Center playing dentist.

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