P. 76

Figure 10: Reseda: What can be done to improve the Head Start program?
 I'm not sure it can improve. It was a great year for my son.
 Better control of front gate. Add cameras or a doorbell.
 A little more practice on reading and math.
 Provide homework or another activity like worksheets every day for the child to do at home.
 Include the holidays in program.
 Longer hours
 Better sense of security for main gate, cameras and better earthquake evacuation plan.
 Full time hours
 The program is really good for the kids to get a good start in education. I would like longer hours,
like 6 hour days.
 A little more jump start.
 I don’t have any concerns.
 I would like more information on my child needs and program.
 The program can be longer and more time spent on academics.
 To have the correct time and dates on some events and ceremonies.
 Meetings should be in the evenings and kids should drink more water than milk.
 It is just right.
 Motivate parents more to participate in meetings, volunteering, and trainings.
 Program is administered well.
 Maybe make it mandatory for parents to participate in meetings and volunteering.
 More interaction between the speech therapist and parents [is needed]. There wasn’t any
communication with the parents. [Staff] would only inform me that [the speech therapist] would
practice with my daughter but I never met her.
 Keep supporting the families with physical or mental disabilities.
 The only thing is the lack of including a traditional celebration like Christmas.
 I think that the work that is being done is great and sufficient, keep it up.
 Field trips, family gatherings to get families more involved. Weekend picnics and so on so that
the children can be around other children from their school.
 Try to involve parents more in everything that relates to the children. Have workshops for parents
on courtesy and manners so that children learn from example.
 More projects to take home or homework and have parents participate in class more often.
 In order to make Head Start a better program, I believe offering parent meetings in the
afternoon/evening would be helpful so that parents that are not able to come in the morning have
a chance to attend at a later time.
 More hours of class time for 4 year old children.
 I think that you did everything from your part. You invested all your work in making sure the
children progressed.
 The program is doing a great job, keep up the good work!
 Have surveys more often. Have a suggestion box for parents to have input on activities.
CCRC’s Head Start Parents Page | 72 December 2014

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