The California State Legislature reconvenes after Summer Recess this week. The second and third weeks of August will be crucial for our Government Relations team as legislative bills will be voted upon in each house’s Appropriations Committee. The bills must move on from the Appropriations Committees by August 17th in order to continue to the Assembly or Senate Floors. Bills with significant fiscal impact will be set aside to the Suspense File to be voted upon closer to the deadline.
Child Care & Early Learning Bills to Watch:
- AB 605 (Mullin) – This bill requires the California Department of Social Services to create a single child care license to serve infant, toddler, preschool and school-age children, whereas state law currently requires separate licenses for each age range. Bill status: Senate Appropriations Suspense File. CCRC is a Co-Sponsor.
- AB 2001 (Reyes) – This bill standardizes statewide requirements for Family Child Care Home Education Networks (FCCHENs). FCCHENs will be required to use evaluation tools and developmental portfolios to support child development, as well as provide opportunities for parent involvement. The bill also requires FCCHEN contractors to conduct site visits and offer training and technical assistance to care providers. Bill status: Senate Appropriations Suspense File. CCRC is a Co-Sponsor.
- AB 2626 (Mullin) – This bill provides 12 months of eligibility for families establishing child care eligibility on the basis that a parent is seeking employment. It also redefines the age eligibility time frame for 3- through 4-year-olds in state preschool and provides up to two staff training days for contracted center-based programs. Bill status: Senate Appropriations Suspense File.
- AB 2960 (Thurmond) – This bill requires the California Department of Education to create a public online portal of state child care and development services accessible before or by June 2020. The bill also creates a stakeholder workgroup to make recommendations on the online portal plans. Bill status: Senate Appropriations Suspense File.
- AB 1754 (McCarty) – This bill revises the eligibility requirements and prioritization for full-day preschool operated at California public schools where at least 40% of pupils that are from low-income families. Bill status: Senate Appropriations Suspense File.

At this point in the legislative process, bills have already been voted upon in their house of origin, and are now being heard in the other house. Which means, each of the above “Bills to Watch” are currently being heard in the Senate. Our Government Relations team will be monitoring the status of these bills to see if they are approved or denied by Senate Appropriations. If they are approved, bills are then sent to the Senate Floor to be voted upon by August 31st. If they are approved by the Senate vote, bills are then sent to the Governor to sign into law or veto by September 30th.
If you are passionate about Child Care and Early Learning and would like to voice your opinion, contact the Senate Appropriations Committee at 916-651-4101. Click here to view a flow chart created by the Assembly Rules Committee to learn more about California’s legislative process.