Apply for Child Care Financial Assistance
Family finances should never be a barrier to quality child care. At Child Care Resource Center (CCRC), we understand the importance of affordable and accessible child care options for families in California. There are a number of child care financial assistance programs designed to support families in need. If you live, work, or need care in Northern Los Angeles or San Bernardino Counties, you can get started today.
Click here to view the State Fiscal Year 2023-24 Schedule of Income Ceilings.
Financial assistance is available for child care:

All hours of
the day



A few hours
a week

You choose your provider
Financial assistance for child care is available round-the-clock, including nights and weekends. Whether you need child care for a few hours a week or full-time, you have options to suit your schedule. Whether you are looking for employment, going to school, or working and in need of care, CCRC can help!
Applying for child care financial assistance is quick and easy.
Most people complete it in 3-5 minutes.
You can choose the type of child care you want.

Licensed Center
Family Child Care Home

Family, Friend or Neighbor
If you have questions, need to make an update, or want a status on your application, please contact us.
Enrollment Selection Criteria
Parent/caregivers applying for the Alternative Payment program are placed on the waitlist and are contacted in order of priority from the waitlist as vacancies occur.
Children who are recipients of Child Protective Services (CPS) or children who are at risk of abuse or neglect upon written referral from a legal, medical, or social service agency.
Second Priority
Families who are income eligible.
- If two or more families are in the same priority in relation to income:
- The family that has a child with exceptional needs.
- The family in which the primary home language is a language other than English.
- The family has been on the waiting list for the longest time.
The Child Care and Development Division (CCDD) provides the Income Rankings table to determine admission priorities. Prior to the enrollment process, parents/caregivers are required to confirm program eligibility for the ranks that are being enrolled.
CCRC services the northern Los Angeles and entirety of San Bernardino Counties. If you live, work, or need child care in our service area, please submit an application to see if you qualify for child care financial assistance.
For those who need assistance outside of our service area, please visit Child Care Aware and input your zip code to locate your local Resource & Referral agency.