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Emergency preparedness: How to assemble a “Go Bag”

In the event of an emergency, it’s important for families to have a “go bag” of essential supplies that can aid them in the event of an immediate evacuation. Preparing before an emergency takes place can help ensure a safe and swift exit when an emergency arises. This blog explains how to assemble a go bag.

Wildfires aren’t the only emergency that poses a risk for California families; earthquakes, mudslides and flooding are also a threat.

First, make sure all members of the family know the evacuation plan. If an emergency arises, where will you go? Who will be responsible for getting the children and pets in the vehicle? Who will grab the go bag? Determine the answers to these questions before an emergency takes place.

Items to Assemble in your Go Bag

  • At least one outfit (top, bottoms, underwear and socks, jacket) and one set of pajamas for each member of the household
  • Toiletries: toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant
  • Laptop, hard drives and charger
  • Phone chargers
  • Medications
  • Diapers (for infants and toddlers) and wipes
  • Snacks/Food (formula for babies)
  • A toy or stuffed animal (to help console your child)
  • Bottled water
  • Pet food

Visit the CalFire Emergency Readiness page for more details.

For those who are under an evacuation warning, it’s important to prepare documents and treasured family heirlooms in advance of the mandatory evacuation order. Here are some items to consider:

  • Birth certificates
  • Social Security Cards
  • A recent bank statement for each credit card
  • Prescriptions
  • Vehicle titles
  • Lease or deed to a home
  • Family heirlooms and photos

It may be helpful to take a video of the contents of your home for insurance purposes in the event that your home is damaged or destroyed in a natural disaster.

L.A. County residents directly impacted by fires can request property and vital records (i.e., birth, death, marriage) free of charge to help with recovery efforts. Call 800-201-8999 (Option 1 followed by Option 2) or Email [email protected]

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