Stay Connected with CCRC
Keep your provider information up-to-date

It’s very important that you let us know if you have any changes in your required provider payments information — your mailing address, rates, hours of operation, etc. This way, we can inform you of budget or policy updates, special events, trainings, and the status of a family in your care.
Please call CCRC any time the following information changes:
Change of Address
If you are planning to move your services or open another facility, you must call CCRC at least 14 calendar days before the date of your move. We will send documents for you to fill out and return.
Important: If you are a subsidized child care provider, mail sent to your previous address will not be forwarded to the new address and will be returned to CCRC. While the post office will forward nearly all of your mail, they will not forward CCRC mail.
Change of Phone Number
Please notify CCRC if your phone number changes.
Rates, Policies, Hours/Days of Operation
If you change your rates, policies, hours and days of operation, and so on, please notify us as soon as possible. If you’re a licensed child care provider, contact the Resource Referral Department at (818) 717-8858. If you’re a family child care provider, call our Provider Support Department at (818) 717-1000 or (661) 789-1200. We will be able to tell you how you can update your file.