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Request for Bids

Public advertisements will include, at a minimum:

  • CCRC’s legal name and address, including contact name and phone number;
  • Date, time, and location, including address, of bid/proposal meeting, if applicable;
  • Notice that participation in the meeting is mandatory for the bidder’s or proposer’s solicitation to be considered, as applicable;
  • Sealed bid requests will include any specifications and pertinent attachments and will define the items or services in order for the bidder to properly respond;
  • Proposal requests will identify all evaluation factors and their relative importance;
  • The date and time all RFB or RFP responses are due and must be received to be considered for evaluation;
  • Sealed bid requests will identify the time and place sealed bids will be opened; and
  • Notice to bidders/proposers that incomplete bid/proposal packages will not be considered.