An impassioned commitment to serving families exemplified by CCRC San Bernardino Regional Director James Moses earned him a nomination for Man of the Year in the 47th Assembly District.
“I feel honored and humbled,” said James. “It feels good to be recognized for the work you do in your community and, at the same time, I realize I am only a small part of the work we do at CCRC. There are hundreds of amazing staff who work diligently to ensure our programs are operated at the highest levels and children and families get the support they need to thrive in life.”
Every year, Assemblywoman Elosie Gomez Reyes awards the title of Man of the Year to one of the nominees, who are selected from the counties in her district. This honor recognizes men who “have made a significant contribution” to the community. James was selected as a finalist by Reyes for his “unwavering dedication to uplifting and supporting the community around you,” she said in her letter to him.

“I am motivated in my faith to be a servant for others,” James shared. “I think everyone needs help from time to time to become the best version of themselves. When I can connect people looking for help to services our organization or other organizations provide it motivates me to know that together we can make a difference in the lives of our fellow community members.”
James started with CCRC in 2013 after nearly three decades serving the San Bernardino County community in various capacities. As a lifelong San Bernardino County resident, James says he’s passionate about expanding access to critically needed services for the most vulnerable families.
His outstanding work in social justice and early childhood education caught the attention last year of Senator Connie Leyva, who honored him as one her Terrific 20 of Senate District 20. That award was given to those who exhibit “excellence for social justice, environmental justice, education, law enforcement, first responders, and health care.”
Part of James’ work uplifting families includes developing meaningful relationships between CCRC and state lawmakers. As a result, CCRC won with Sen. Leyva’s nomination a grant through the Legislative Women’s Caucus and the senator has also conducted several diaper drives for CCRC. These partnerships support the agency’s legislative efforts to pass laws that benefit children, families and child care providers, such as the historic provider rate reform passed in 2021. James and his team have also partnered with the Superintendent and the County of San Bernardino’s policy team to work more collaboratively on issues faced by child care and development programs, including both education and mental health.

In addition to his work with CCRC, James serves on several councils and boards including:
• Every Child California (Southern Section President)
• CAAEYC Public Policy Committee (Chair)
• First 5 San Bernardino Advisory Committee (Vice-Chair)
• San Bernardino County Children’s Network Policy Council
• San Bernardino County Local Planning Council Advisory Board (Chair)
• Chance Project
• Inland Empire Father Involvement Coalition
For his outstanding work in the community, James is a finalist for the Man of the Year Award for which a winner will soon be announced. In addition to recognizing James for his work, the Assemblywoman has also provided financial support for CCRC’s Family Play Day’s and other events. She has been a longtime advocate for children and families and has been a valuable partner to CCRC. Read more about his work.