Supporting CCRC while shopping on Amazon? Yes, it does exist!
For years, the Amazon Smile Foundation has donated over $69 million dollars to charities around the world! Yes, you read that correctly, $69 million dollars!
What is Amazon Smile, you say? When you shop at,Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
And, it gets better! From March 12th– March 31st,Amazon will TRIPLE their donation rate to 1.5% on eligible, first timer purchases!
Just choose Child Care Resource Center (CCRC) as your charity of choice! It’s the best of both worlds – you can shop and give back!
If you’re still not convinced. Here’s one more incentive – your contribution from shopping online may go toward supporting our What A Difference A BOOK Makes, a literacy campaign where every child we interact with takes home an age appropriate book!
Learn more about other effortless opportunities to support CCRC.
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