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Early Head Start

Early Head Start

Early Head Start

Early Head Start is a federally funded community-based program for low-income families to promote healthy prenatal outcomes for pregnant women, enhance the development of very young children (0-3) and to promote healthy family functioning.

CCRC currently serves 40 children in 91403, 91405, 91411 and 91423 and the Palmdale School District, CCRC’s partner, directly serves 80 children in 93550, 93551, 93552, 93535, 93591, 93543 and 93534.

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A caring and compassionate home visitor will meet with you in the comfort of your home.

During this weekly visit, you will learn and share developmentally appropriate activities for you to do with your child.

You will be provided with information about community resources.

We will assist you in planning and achieving family goals.

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  • Twice a month, you will have the opportunity to meet and talk with other EHS parents.
  • You will learn that you are not alone in the challenges and joys of raising a young child.
  • Share activity ideas with other families.
  • Observe your child responding to yourself and others.
  • Strengthen your relationship with your child.
  • Share your culture and learn about others.

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Program planning and decision making  are made by parents through participation in Parent Committees and Parent Policy Council/Committee

Educational meetings and workshops regarding Health and Safety, Nutrition, Mental Health Family Services, and Disabilities


For further information on how to enroll in CCRC’s Early Head Start program, please call (818) 717-4515. For Palmdale School District’s Early Head Start program, please call (661) 273-4710.