August, it’s your favorite time of the year, parents! Your kids are dreading school but secretly you can’t wait. Despite the excitement, the first week of school can be nerve-wracking. Whether your child is starting at a new school— transitioning to kindergarten from preschool or from elementary to middle school—they may feel anxious about all the newness. PBS has great tips to help calm your child’s fears (and your own) with these teacher-approved tips.
Meet their teacher early.
For kids, one of the biggest back-to-school fears is “Will I like my new teacher?” Breaking the ice early on is one of the best ways to calm their fear. Take advantage of your school’s open house or back-to-school night. Some teachers welcome phone calls or e-mails. However, if personal contact with the teacher isn’t possible, try locating the teacher’s picture on a school website or in a yearbook. This way, your child can put a name with a face. If your child’s teacher sends a welcome letter, be sure to read the letter together.
Connect with friends.
A familiar friend can make all the difference. You might try calling parents from last year’s class and finding out which children are in your child’s class this year. Try to reconnect these friendships, offer to carpool, or schedule playdates for after school. Starting a new school year doesn’t have to feel so daunting if you have a friend with you.
Be prepared.
Obtain the class supply list and take a special shopping trip with your child. Having the right supplies will help them feel prepared. While keeping basic needs in mind, allow for a couple of splurges like a cool notebook or a favorite-colored pen. These simple pleasures make going back to school a lot more fun.
School supply lists also provide great insight into the schoolwork ahead. Get your child excited about upcoming projects by explaining how the new supplies might be used. Let them practice using supplies that they have never used before. Doing this will help your child feel more comfortable and equipped for class.
Share your own school experiences.
The transition back to school goes beyond the first day. It may help if you share your own experiences from when you were entering the same grade as your child. Try to make your stories exciting and relatable. This not only allows you to bond with your children, but your excitement may also spark their own.
Make the commute to school a fun one!
Yes it’s early in the morning and you may have to fight that drop off traffic. However, that car ride or walk to school can set the mood for your child’s day. Play their favorite music in the car, and use this time to set intentions for the day. Whether you say it out loud or whisper it to each other, nothing sounds better than hearing your child exclaim, “Today I will have a good day!”
Don’t just take our word for it, watch these kids explain to parents how they can better prepare their kids for the new school year. Thank you Understood for this great video.