What is The California Early Care & Education (ECE) Workforce Registry?

The California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry (CA ECE Registry) is an online system that supports early childhood professionals through diverse training opportunities. The free registry tracks and promotes the education, training and experience of early education and care providers in order to improve professionalism and workforce quality to positively impact children.
CCRC’s trainings are open to San Bernardino and Los Angeles County providers. If you are having trouble registering for a training, please contact us at 818-717-1042 or email [email protected].
Benefits of the ECE Workforce Registry:
- Stay informed on all upcoming virtual and in-person training opportunities across the state through the training calendar.
- Manage and pull coursework reports you can share with employers.
- Use the included Resume Builder which pulls information from your professional profile and adds it to an easy-to-use format.
- Achieve recognition as a professional in the field of Early Care Education.
- Influence early childhood education policies and funding by contributing to statewide data collection.
- Simplify your professional documentation process by reducing the need to repeatedly submit educational and training records to various entities.
How Can You Become a Member of the ECE Registry and Build Your Professional Profile?
The step-by-step process below guides you through registering and establishing your presence in this vital network, ensuring you stay connected and up-to-date in the dynamic field of early childhood education.
- Access the ECE Workforce Registry website at www.caregistry.org.
- Click on “Create a Profile” to start the registration process.
- Fill in the required fields on the registration page.
- After completing registration, check your email for an activation link.
- Use the link to activate your account, then log in with your credentials.
- Begin building your professional profile, adding employment and education details.
For help creating your profile and many other resources, click here.
Guidance for Registration
The California ECE Workforce Registry offers a user-friendly registration process with tutorial videos in various languages. These tutorials provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through creating your profile:
English Tutorial: For detailed guidance in English.
Spanish Tutorial (Español): Video instructivo en español.
Chinese Tutorial (中文, Cantonese): 粤语视频教程.
Pathways to Professional Development
Every year, Child Care Resource Center works with Early Care and Education (ECE) professionals to help them reach their professional development goals. With the help of the Pathway to Professional Development, ECE professionals are now able to track their growth and development.
What is the Pathway to Professional Development?
The Pathway to Professional Development is a professional development pathway with 12 focus areas aligned with the California ECE Competencies, which serve to strengthen and improve the quality of professional development opportunities available to the ECE workforce. To complete a Pathway, ECE professionals must attend at least two qualifying 2-hour trainings in each focus area (48 total hours of training) or complete a series of trainings toward a Specialization Pathway.
Participants who complete their Pathway are acknowledged at the Annual Karen Kaye Award of Achievement Celebration. This award was named to honor Karen Kaye, whose vision paved the way for the development of the Pathway to Professional Development. ECE professionals can complete up to three Pathways.
To begin your journey to earning your Pathway, join the ECE Workforce Registry.
When you sign-up for a FREE Registry account, you will be able to:
- Search, view and register for Pathway eligible trainings.
- Track your training hours and check your progress with a personalized virtual Pathway.
For questions, please contact us at 818-717-1042 or [email protected].
Please note, the Pathway is currently available to Los Angeles County Residents. If you are an ECE Professional living in San Bernardino County, please contact Mercedes Williams at (909) 279-2828 for more information on how you can reach your professional development goals.
Child Care Resource Center Training
CCRC offers high-quality trainings designed to deepen professional knowledge and strengthen the ECE field.
The Infant/Toddler Strand Catalog is coming soon.