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¡Certifíquese en Primeros Auxilios y RCP para Infantes, Niños y Adultos!


Aprenda a salvar una vida. Estas clases aprobadas por la EMSA son impartidas por instructores amables y accesibles en un entorno de grupo dinámico. Los proveedores de cuidado infantil podrían ser elegibles para un reembolso. Horario: 9am a 5pm Precio: $95 (Descuento para grupos: Ahorre con seis o más participantes a $90 por persona.) Las clases se...

Event Series Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time

Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Effective Habits of Business Management for Family Child Care Providers


Discover your role as a Family Child Care Home (FCCH) owner and a business entrepreneur. In this training, participants will come to better understand the fundamentals of successfully running a business from home. Additionally, we will explore best practices, such as maintaining and organizing files to keep you in compliance with Community Care Licensing. This...