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El Uso Seguro del Extintor de Incendios


Formar un plan para la prevención de incendios que reduce los daños a la propiedad. Aprender sobre los diferentes incendios y la formas de extinguir cada uno. Repasar la forma apropiada para la activación del sistema de emergencias médicas en caso de un incendio. Aprenda a planificar una evacuación segura para reducir el riesgo de...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Parent Café: Los Cinco Factores Protectores

Acompáñenos en Zoom

Únase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el espíritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores. Tema de sesión: Apoyo Haga clic aquí para registrarse.

Workshops & Events
Event Series Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Parent Café: Strengthening Families (In-Person)


Join the conversation in person at our Chatsworth Headquarters! At our cafés, we offer a safe and nurturing space for families to have meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most,...

Workshops & Events

¡Voltéalo! Preguntas


¡Voltéalo!  Transformando Conductas Desafiantes es una serie de 5 partes destinada a enseñar a los proveedores de cuidado infantil cómo responder positivamente a los comportamientos desafiantes. En esta sesión, los...

Workshops & Events