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Workshops & Events

The Growing Brain: The Factors Affecting Brain Growth and Development


In this training, child care providers will: Understand and identify the key factors that affect brain development Discover strategies, such as the 5 R’s, to support healthy overall brain growth in children Understand how stress effects the developing brain This training is Gateways Eligible: Child Development and Learning (CDL) To Register: Visit www.caregistry.org Login to...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Parent Café: Strengthening Families


Join the Conversation via Zoom! The Parent Cafés are based on the Strengthening Families Framework and the Five Protective Factors. At the cafés, families will have meaningful, guided conversations about...

Childhood Stress: Reducing the Risk and Building Resiliency


In this web-based training, providers will: Understand the causes of stress and the harmful effects it has on children’s brains and bodies Discover simple, everyday strategies to help support children’s...

Workshops & Events

Parent Café: Vitalities – Journey to Overall Well-Being


Join us for meaningful, guided conversations about what matters most, our families, and how to make them stronger. During our Parent Cafés, you will have the opportunity to receive new...

Workshops & Events