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LA County: CA Preventive Health & Safety


This class is EMSA approved and meets the 8-Hour Preventive Health & Safety requirement needed to become licensed by Community Care Licensing (CCL). Training Topics Include: Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Prevention of Injuries, Lead, and Nutrition. You must complete both days (8-hours) of training in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit will not be...

Workshops & Events

Competencias para los Educadores de la Infancia Temprana: Fortaleciendo los Conocimientos y las Habilidades


En este entrenamiento, los proveedores de cuidado infantil: Profundizarán su conocimiento profesional utilizando las Competencias del educador de la primera infancia de California como un plan de acción para el desarrollo profesional. Se sumergirán en las doce áreas de competencia para comprender el conocimiento, las habilidades y las disposiciones que los educadores de la primera...

Workshops & Events

LA County: CA Preventive Health & Safety


This class is EMSA approved and meets the 8-Hour Preventive Health & Safety requirement needed to become licensed by Community Care Licensing (CCL). Training Topics Include: Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Prevention of Injuries, Lead, and Nutrition. You must complete both days (8-hours) of training in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit will not be...

Workshops & Events

Comunidades de Practica (DLL)


Quality Start Los Angeles está ofreciendo el siguiente entrenamiento virtual. Esta comunidad de practica es una serie para mejorar sus practicas y estrategias claves en apoyar el desarrollo. Para obtener...

Reducing Risk and Liability: Understanding Written Contracts and Policies


The Business Administration Scale (BAS) is an assessment tool that measures the business and professional practices of Family Child Care programs. During this session, participants will: Discuss contracts, policies, and procedures to reduce risk and liability Learn the difference between a written contract and a policy and understand the requirements for creating legal documents Consider...

Workshops & Events

Infant Meal Patterns


Learn to enhance the overall nutritional quality of meals and snacks served in your facility by: Encouraging and supporting breastfeeding between mother and baby Promoting developmentally appropriate meals for infants Providing nutritious meals that promote the development of healthy eating habits This training is Gateways Eligible: Health, Safety, and Nutrition (HSN) To Register: Visit www.caregistry.org...

Workshops & Events

Child Care Disaster Preparedness


In this training, participants will: Address the different and unique needs of children and families during moments of disasters Review the Licensing Forms required as a result of an emergency Understand what you should be doing during the phases of an emergency - Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Discuss Licensing Requirements, as well as best...

Workshops & Events

Safe Sleep, Safe Baby


In this training, participants will: Discuss various health, nutrition, and physical requirements related to safe sleep Examine common parent beliefs, values, and practices regarding children’s sleeping habits Discover strategies for enforcing policies as required by licensing Identify best practices to design a policy that provides a safe sleep environment for children This training is Gateways...

Workshops & Events

Conflict Resolution


Strengthen your leadership skills in this interactive conflict resolution training. During this workshop, you will: Learn strategies to find peaceful solutions to disagreements among staff Understand different perspectives and styles to approach conflict with an open mind This training is Gateways Eligible: Leadership in Early Childhood Education (LECE) To Register: Visit www.caregistry.org Login to your...

Workshops & Events

Domestic Violence: Effects on Children


In this informative training session, participants will: Dive into an in-depth study on the Cycle of Violence and its effects on children's development Better understand their role as a Mandated Reporter and how they can support families with community resources Gain valuable strategies to use in their facility to promote security and build resilience in...

Workshops & Events

Theories of Child Development


This introductory training covers the foundational theories of child development. During this session, participants will: Learn about the most influential theorists and their contributions to the ECE field Reflect on how these theories tie into their current practice as they gain a deeper understanding of how and why children grow, learn, and act as they...

Workshops & Events