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Workshops & Events

Event Series Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time

Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Flip It! Inquiries


Flip it! Transforming Challenging Behaviors is a 5-part series aimed to teach child care providers how to respond positively to everyday challenging behaviors. In this session, participants will: Learn how to view challenges as opportunities for children to learn and grow Discover ways to encourage children to think about solutions to their challenges to help...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Tuesday Morning Virtual Story Time

We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


The Impact of Habits and Routines


In this training, you will: Learn the positive impact of healthy and consistent habits Reflect on your routines and understand how they affect your personal and work life Learn how to create a plan of healthy habits and modify those that do not benefit you personally or professionally This training is Gateways Eligible: Professionalism (P)...

Workshops & Events
Event Series Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time

Wednesday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Event Series Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time

Thursday Morning Virtual Story Time


We invite you and your child to join us for an exciting read-aloud story time. During our interactive sessions, children will develop language and communication skills. Each day we will read a different story and engage children in exploring the world around them. To register, please complete the Story Time Participant Registration form.


Parent Café: Raising Safe Kids


During our Raising Safe Kids Parent Café, we will: Discuss the importance of providing safe, stable, healthy, and nurturing environments for children Discover parenting styles and practices that will positively impact your child’s behavior and strengthen your relationship Examine the different ages and stages of development so you can better understand your child Click here...

Workshops & Events

The Growing Brain: Understanding Behavior


In this training, child care providers will: Understand the anatomy of the brain and how it influences children’s behavior Examine the connection between the various areas of the brain and how these connections are expressed through behavior Identify the root causes of challenging behavior and effective strategies for helping children with these difficulties This training...

Workshops & Events
Event Series CA Child Care Preventive Health & Safety

CA Child Care Preventive Health & Safety


This class is EMSA approved and meets the 8-Hour Preventive Health & Safety requirement needed to become licensed by Community Care Licensing (CCL). Training Topics Include: Prevention of Infectious Diseases Prevention of Injuries Lead Nutrition. You must complete both days (8-hours) of training in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit will NOT be issued...

Workshops & Events

CCRC’s Wrapping Day!

If you enjoy gift wrapping, this is the event for you! Give back to your community in a festive way, CCRC’s Wrapping Day is on its way! Join us on December 3rd from 10:00am to 12:00pm at our Palmdale or Chatsworth offices to wrap thousands of books and toys for local children. We will provide...