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Parent CafŽ – Los Cinco Factores Protectores

ònase a nuestra cohorte para colaborar y desarrollar conversaciones transformadoras que nutran el esp’ritu familiar y promuevan el bienstar al cubrur los Cinco Factores Protectores.  Haga clic aqu’ para registrarse....

Virtual Story Time

We invite children and their caregivers to join us for Virtual Story Time! Through these interactive sessions, children will: Develop language and communication skills. Use context and pictures to help...

Momento de Cuentos Virtuales

Invitamos a todos los ni–os y sus cuidadores a que nos acompa–en en nuestro Momento de Cuentos Virtuales.  A travŽs de estas sesiones interactivas, los ni–os: Desarrollar‡n habilidades de lengauje...

Parent CafŽ – Learn the Signs. Act Early

Join the Conversation via Zoom! Recognize the characteristics of developmental milestones for children ages 2 months to 5 years. Discuss the importance of tracking your child's development to help with...

Virtual Story Time

We invite children and their caregivers to join us for Virtual Story Time! Through these interactive sessions, children will: Develop language and communication skills. Use context and pictures to help...

Momento de Cuentos Virtuales

Invitamos a todos los ni–os y sus cuidadores a que nos acompa–en en nuestro Momento de Cuentos Virtuales.  A travŽs de estas sesiones interactivas, los ni–os: Desarrollar‡n habilidades de lengauje...

Identifying Childhood Trauma (TIC Module 3)

The Bridge Program Ð Trauma Informed Care Team at CCRC offers Trauma Informed Care training to child care providers in various settings. This workshop is part of a 16-hour training...

CCIP: Nutrition Basics (Online Training)

The Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) is a quality improvement project that delivers training and support for prospective and licensed family child care providers. Join us for a virtual cohort...

Virtual Story Time

We invite children and their caregivers to join us for Virtual Story Time! Through these interactive sessions, children will: Develop language and communication skills. Use context and pictures to help...

Momento de Cuentos Virtuales

Invitamos a todos los ni–os y sus cuidadores a que nos acompa–en en nuestro Momento de Cuentos Virtuales.  A travŽs de estas sesiones interactivas, los ni–os: Desarrollar‡n habilidades de lengauje...